High Placement Rate & Above-average Salaries for Clarkson University Class of 2019

Clarkson University’s Class of 2019, which graduated last May, is reporting high placement rates and salaries more than 10 percent above the national average based on data from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Students and employers participate in the 2019 Fall Career Fair on campus, Tuesday, September 10, 2019. (CU Photo by Steve Jacobs)

Survey results show that 97 percent of all 2019 Clarkson University graduates had been placed in a full-time job in their chosen field of study, entered graduate school or joined the military within six months of graduation. Ninety-two percent of the undergraduate Class of 2019 responded to the survey.

The survey also showed that the average starting salary for Clarkson graduates was 12 percent above the national average. Class of 2019 undergraduates entered the workforce with an average salary of $62,756. Recent graduate school alumni averaged a salary of $79,401.

Career Center Director Margo Jenkins cites the University’s placement success to the high quality of students paired with top-notch academic and support services from before students arrive to after graduation.

She credits a cross-collaborative University-wide approach in which the Career Center collaborates with the student affairs, alumni relations, diversity and inclusion and academic offices, and routinely brings in outside employer perspectives to deliver a holistic approach to career services. This has resulted in programs such as Done in a Day, Networking Day, Professional Development Seminar, Hit the Ground Running, the SPARK Program and Hire A Knight Corporate Sponsor Visits.

“The quality and amount of students’ industry experiences at graduation also have a direct impact on their ability to land a job and a positive correlation with starting salaries,” Jenkins says. “Our professional experience requirement pushes students to obtain real-life experiences early in their college careers. Also, our unbelievably supportive alumni network accounts for high career fair attendance and job opportunities.”

The Career Center hosts more than 1,000 one-on-one appointments per year. It also holds group workshops, classes, and events designed to prepare students for their job search. The Center offers interview preparation, resume and cover letter critiques, job search, and exploration assistance, offer and negotiation advice and more. The targeted services model ensures that students across all majors receive the assistance and job opportunities needed to succeed.

The survey captures information regarding how new college graduates fare in their careers within six months of graduation. The annual initiative provides clear, concise and consistent data on the outcomes associated with a college education on a national scale. Outcomes include types of employment (full or part-time, contract, freelance, etc.), additional education (accepted to graduate or professional school), still seeking employment or further education and starting salary for those employed full time. The survey is designed to provide trends data over time to inform the discussion about the value of higher education and Clarkson’s approach to advising for career success.

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