Special Opportunity! CodeTheCurve Hackathon

UNESCO, IBM, and SAP have partnered to present Code the Curve, a virtual hackathon which aims to use data, programming, and entrepreneurial spirit to solve unique challenges posed by COVID-19. The application deadline is this Thursday, 4/9 and consists of a 2 minute video outlining the problem and an overview of the proposed solution.  Themes for the challenge include:

  1. Access to Learning/Digital Learning
  2. Information and Data Management
  3. The Present and The Future- Social and Health Issues

Clarkson Ignite is looking for members from across the Clarkson Community to join this challenge. Students, alumni, faculty, and staff are all eligible to participate!
Teams must be gender inclusive, include at least one individual below the age of 25, and at least one individual with coding and/or data science experience. Clarkson Ignite is asking that anyone interested please submit the following google form with their skills/experience:
Sign-up here! https://forms.gle/UnEtqQtUyKKdFPgt7

Anyone who submits the form will be able to participate in the event. Information collected will only be used to create eligible teams.If there are enough submissions, we will create multiple teams to accomodate all of those interested. The deadline for form submissions is April 8 by 7AM. While we recognize this is extremely short notice, it is an excellent opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and alumni looking to make a difference during these extraordinary times! For more information on the challenge, please see the following links: https://ibm.biz/codethecurvehttps://en.unesco.org/news/unesco-launches-codethecurve-hackathon-develop-digital-solutions-response-covid-19

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email ignite@clarkson.edu

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