Research ‘Brown Bag’ – COVID-19 Community Impact 

In an effort to create conversation and collaboration, Clarkson Ignite is pleased to offer a ‘brown bag’ session for those interested in researching how COVID-19 is impacting our community in many different ways. The session will be Friday, April 10 from Noon-1:00pm and zoom information is provided below.

People from all disciplines, and especially those looking for collaboration or input, are encouraged to join. This is a chance to leverage resources and share knowledge across the institution and to support one another.

The meeting format will be as follows:

1) Researchers will provide a 1-3 minute project ‘pitch’ to other attendees, we will get through as many as possible in the first 20-30 minutes of the call. 

2) Open up for comments for approx 15 minutes

3) Zoom breakout rooms will be established for interested groups to have dedicated discussions about particular studies of interest to participants

Although not required, if you do have a project in mind, please consider adding it to the Project Ideas spreadsheet linked here: Project Ideas – COVID-19 Community Impact, this will help with moderating the meeting and with identifying potential collaborators.

All are welcome to attend the meeting, even if you are not planning to pitch a project!

Zoom Information: Friday, April 10, 2020 12:00-1:00pm

Meeting ID: 356 974 501

One tap mobile: +16468769923,,356974501# US (New York)
Our earlier healthcare needs sessions have been focused on immediate needs in the St. Lawrence Health System and have produced some great early results for the local community. This ‘brown bag’ session is meant to start a dialogue on additional interdisciplinary research opportunities.

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