Faculty/Staff Fall 2020 Move-In Crew

Dear faculty and staff,

Move-in Day is Friday, 8/28/2020, and we need your help!

The Office of Student Life would like to invite you to spend a few hours assisting with Move In Day between 9am and 3pm.  Please fill out the Sign Up Form. You’ll notice that there is a question on shirt size because you will be receiving a free “CU Haul” t-shirt for sharing your time with our new students and families.

Roles will include helping to direct student volunteers in the unloading zones at the Quad and accompanying/guiding new students and their families between the Quad and the ERC, greeting families and students, monitoring parking and drive-through check-in. If you sign up, you will receive a training document with role details and will have the opportunity to ask questions about your assignment in advance of Move In Day so you’ll be completely prepared to assist.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in welcoming our new students and their families to campus!
Below is the direct link, should you have trouble accessing the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHEzWgSW3ZSfhHV_4Dn80iA2MXmj8TVR4PJZHAlVGZTU8grA/viewform?usp=sf_link

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