Webinar: Epidemiology. What is it, and Why is it Important in Healthcare Today?

Attend A Webinar About Epidemiology: What is it, and Why is it Important in Healthcare Today?

Monday, April 20, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Until the COVID-19 outbreak, most people had ever heard of Epidemiology, one of the most important disciplines in the healthcare industry. Here’s your chance to learn about it from the experts, two Clarkson faculty who teach the Managerial Epidemiology course in the Healthcare MBA program. As our country and world face the incredible challenges of COVID-19, it’s important to understand the role of epidemiology, and what healthcare leaders need to know in order to make the best decisions for their organization.

We invite you to join faculty in the Reh School of Business and our Healthcare Management programs to learn more about Epidemiology, its application to today’s pandemic, and ways that this subject is infused within the graduate healthcare management programs. 

The session will be moderated by Dr. John Huppertz, Associate Professor and Chair, MBA Healthcare Management Program along with Jane Oppenlander, Assistant Professor and Eva Williford, Instructor and doctoral student in biostatistics.

Register here!

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