Clarkson University to Offer COVID-19 Scholarship for Undergraduate Summer Courses

Clarkson undergraduate students and eligible undergraduate students from other higher education institutions can now access Clarkson’s COVID-19 Scholarship for 2020 undergraduate summer courses offered online at the University.  The scholarship ensures each undergraduate student pays no more than $1,600 per course.  

“While we continue to address local, state and federal directives on social distancing and limit in-person interactions to stop the spread of COVID-19, Clarkson University is committed to finding new ways to support students academically and to keep them on track toward degree completion,” said Brian Grant, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Advancement.  

The COVID-19 Adjustment Scholarship is valued at $3,200 for a three-credit course with a net cost to undergraduate students up to  $1,600 per course.  The COVID-19 Adjustment Scholarship opportunity is valid in summer 2020 only.   

Clarkson undergraduate students can contact Student Administrative Services,,  directly to make enrollment plans. Students from other institutions should go to: Cathy Avadikian, Head of the Office of University Advising at   Financial aid officers will also work with all students on their aid plans.  

More information on summer course offerings and session dates may be found by visiting the course catalog at:  The course catalog will be continuously updated, so please check back often to find the course you are seeking or contact the appropriate academic department to request a course be offered.

“Under these unprecedented circumstances, we must find new ways to support students. Making positive change means bringing new ideas to the table and inspiring new solutions. Our hope, with this scholarship opportunity, is that students work with their advisor at Clarkson or their home institution to consider how a summer course may help secure the track toward their educational goals,” said Provost Robyn Hannigan.

Like most other colleges and universities, Clarkson moved to all online instruction on March 23 after the COVID-19 pandemic grew and when Governor Cuomo issued the “New York State on PAUSE” executive order.

The University is currently reviewing all local, state and federal directives as it makes plans for fall 2020 enrollment. 

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