Announcement of new CAMP Director

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Devon Shipp, Ph.D., as the new director of the Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) at Clarkson University.  Since 2019, Devon has successfully co-led the center with Silvana Andreescu, Ph.D. Devon and Silvana were instrumental in energizing the center’s research and engaging the breadth of our university community with our cross-sectoral partners to develop new materials and processes that solve manufacturing challenges.

Prior to this role, Devon served as chair of the department of chemistry and biomolecular science at Clarkson since 2015.  Since joining Clarkson in 1999, his research has focused on new polymer chemistries and their use in a breadth of areas from nanocomposites to bone strengthening. An internationally renowned scholar and student mentor, the research of Devon’s has garnered multiple American Chemical Society research awards and Goldwater Scholarships (three). Devon supports his discipline through service as an associate editor for Polymer Reviews and the Australian Journal of Chemistry. A 2015 Fulbright Scholar himself, Devon was hosted by the Slovenian National Institute of Chemistry and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at the University of Ljubljana. More information on Devon’s research can be found at

Please join me in congratulating Devon on his latest appointment, which surely will advance and expand advanced materials research and, in so doing, drive New York State’s economic development by providing essential solutions to critical industry challenges.

Robyn Hannigan, Ph.D.

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