Good Knight – Andrew Fraser ’79 and Wife Suzanne

As we work through a challenging time – each of us focusing on doing all the right things in the face of uncertainty – your extended Clarkson family is thinking of you.

Each evening, we hope to share a story of good things, Good Knights, as a way to remind each of us that, despite the realities of our challenging days, good things are still happening.  We will look for short stories highlighting members of the Clarkson community demonstrating the values we all share – integrity, teamwork, humility and a commitment to making the world a better place.

Andrew Fraser ’79 and his wife Suzanne (SUNY Plattsburgh 1979) delivered lunch for the fifty staff on the Blake 14 Floor at Massachusetts General Hospital—their daughter Heather (Union College 2013) works as an RN on the floor and suggested one of the better ways to show appreciation to our healthcare warriors during this health crisis is with good, homemade food!

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