Writing Center Open

Writing Center tutors are still available to work with you!  We will be using the Google suite. First, make an appointment through Google Calendar. At your appointment time, the tutor will email you with an invite to use Google Meet or Google Hangout. You will need a microphone. Then share your work through Google Docs.  You will be able to discuss the document in real time.
“Walk-ins” will need to make an appointment too, but take a look at the calendar and appointment slots.  You may find a slot available at the very moment that you want it.  Tutors will be monitoring the calendar for last minute appointments.
To make the appointment, use this link directly https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUFJLTBMRkhfRndufGRlZmF1bHR8ZmJlN2Y3ZWNiYjYwZmQ4NzQzZDdhOTM4ZTM1NzFlZDIOr you can go through MyCU to Accommodations and Tutoring to Writing Center. On our webpage find the APPOINTMENTS link. OR you can get the link through the auto-responder when you email the writing center at wcenter@clarkson.edu
If you have special needs, please email the writing center at wcenter@clarkson.edu

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