Incomplete Grade Reminder

As the end of the semester approaches, you may be contacted by students seeking an incomplete grade in your course. Here are some important reminders about incompletes: 

  • Students who seek an incomplete should submit to you an incomplete grade request form, which (once approved) should be turned in to SAS.
  • The assigning of an incomplete grade is entirely at your discretion.
  • Incompletes should not be given if the student is failing the course
  • An incomplete grade should only be given in the case of extenuating circumstances.
  • Whenever possible, the deadline for work completed should be prior to the start of the following term.
  • Incomplete grades DO impact academic standing, eligibility for Dean’s List or President’s List, and financial aid eligibility. If a student has any questions about how an incomplete will impact them, they should contact their SAS Rep for guidance.
  • Pursuant to the Regulations, for students who fail to complete the work required to resolve an incomplete grade by the deadline stated on the form (or 7 weeks into the following term, if no form is received), a grade of “F” will be recorded.

The regulations governing incomplete grades can be found on page 17 of the Undergraduate Regulations, and page 18 of the Graduate Regulations.
Please contact the Registrar’s office at if you have any questions or concerns!

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