SARS-CoV-2 Seminar Tomorrow

Racial and Class Health Disparities and Coronavirus

Dr. Matthew Manierre, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Clarkson University, uses sociology to better explain the world. As a medical sociologist, his research primarily focuses on questions relating to the social epidemiology of aging, with a special emphasis on how race and class stratification generate health disparities. 

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, a common rhetorical device was that it was an “equal opportunity” disease that did not discriminate. Yet, we have seen that mortality rates for COVID-19 are strikingly high amongst racial minority groups and the poor.  This talk investigates the reasons for this from a social epidemiological and sociological perspective, acting as a primer on the evidence of COVID disparities in the USA and some of the key theoretical frameworks that are useful for understanding them. Among other things, this will include consideration of Fundamental Cause theory, the weathering hypothesis, the social construction of race, and racial capitalism. 

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