Good Knight – Clarkson SWE

As we work through a challenging time – each of us focusing on doing all the right things in the face of uncertainty – your extended Clarkson family is thinking of you.

Each evening, we hope to share a story of good things, Good Knights, as a way to remind each of us that, despite the realities of our challenging days, good things are still happening.  We will look for short stories highlighting members of the Clarkson community demonstrating the values we all share – integrity, teamwork, humility and a commitment to making the world a better place.

With NY on PAUSE directives not making Clarkson’s Accepted Students Days possible on campus earlier in April, the Society of Women Engineers wanted to find another way to interact with prospective students and share more about their organization and Clarkson. They decided to work together with Admissions to organize a SWE information session on Zoom. The session was led by Recruitment Chair Michaela Tangredi ’21 and President Allison Ryan ’21, both rising seniors at Clarkson.

Almost 20 accepted students attended and stayed an extra hour and twenty minutes to ask questions about everything ranging from how the food is on campus to which calculator they should bring! This amount of interest and attendance has encouraged Clarkson SWE and Admissions to put on more virtual events similar to this one over the summer.

Do you have a story of a Good Knight? Please be sure to send it to us so we can share it with our Clarkson community at:

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