Return to Work Update

Clarkson Community

With the North Country now in Phase III of the New York Forward Plan, and the Capital (on track to move to Phase III on Wednesday) and Hudson Valley regions in Phase II, we have begun to welcome more faculty, staff and researchers back to their campus offices and laboratories. 

 On the Potsdam campus, we currently have employees and research graduate students working in the following areas:

·       Cheel Campus Center & Arena

·       Schuler Educational Resources Center

·       Facilities

·       Graham Hall;  Controllers Office, SAS, Financial Affairs, Human Resources, Payroll and Environmental Health & Safety.

·       New Snell Hall

·       Cora & Bayard Clarkson Science Center

·       Clarkson Hall downtown including graduate students in Health Sciences

·       CAMP

·       Old Main

All of those working on campus have been through a safety training program and are now following a new daily routine  — see the easy checklist here .   Based on guidance from the CDC, NYS and local public health representatives as well as our own faculty experts panel, these simple and effective measures are designed to protect you as well as protect the Clarkson community as we all work together to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Color-coded signage is being placed throughout campus to help remind us of the protective measures:  red stands for directives that must be followed such as social distancing like staying six-feet apart and wearing a mask around co-workers/students; yellow are guidelines such as how to wash your hands effectively; and green are good-to-know things like seminars faculty and staff are sharing to further explain the science and systems behind prevention methods.  Floor signage also helps us remember the six-foot rule and in some rooms, one-way directional travel in/out to further reduce contact. 

Based on your co-workers who have already returned to work, we are continuing to refine the ways these messages are communicated and any new procedures and practices they recommend. 

Using the information each employee has provided to your manager/department chair to complete the return to work matrix, they will let you know when it’s time for you to return to your place of work.  We still have density directives to follow so you may be asked about staggering work hours in addition to continuing to work remotely while others return.  We will continue to phase employees in over the next few months in adherence to the Governor’s directives.

We fully expect students to return to campus in August and NYS information to us and the public is anticipated to come out any day now to fully set in place university graduation expectations as well as the parameters for opening.  The Restart Task Force has been holding scenario planning sessions and many thanks to the more than 800 members of our community who provided feedback on a survey on a base plan and endorsed many of the things we think have the most plausible solutions for opening safely and continuing to mitigate spread of coronavirus.  

As soon as NYS guidance is issued, we will follow it shortly with confirmation of an earlier start date than originally scheduled and more information on how graduations postponed from earlier in May can now take place.  

We are going to be working with managers on cascading information to employees and giving us feedback on what is not clear.   There is not a one-size fits all solution based on the different roles and responsibilities of each individual employee.   

Please continue to use our office hours to inquire and receive more information.  

Restart Task Force Leads

Academic Affairs 315-268-6544Robyn HanniganOffice Hours Tuesdays 12-1 and Thursdays 1-2

Facilities & Infrastructure – 315-268-6718Joshua Fiske, Office ours by appointment

Student Affairs & Residence Life, 315-268-6419Brian Grant; Open Office Hours: Wednesdays 12:30-1:00 pm and Fridays Noon to 12:30 pm

Communications, 315-268-4499Kelly Chezum Office hours: Tuesdays Noon to 12:30pm and Thursdays 1pm to 1:30pm; or by request

Personnel & Policies, 315-268-3788, Amy McGaheran Monday 8-10, Tues 8-10, Thur- 12-2 – Please call for preferred access.

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