My Voice My Choice: Spoken Word Artist This Thursday

Dear faculty and staff,

You are invited to a special performance by Jaylene Clark Owens, spoken word artist and poet

Jaylene Clark Owens is a Philly resident from Harlem, NY. She is a highly acclaimed poet, as well as an AUDELCO and Barrymore Award winning actress. She is the author of “AfroPoetic,” her debut collection of poetry, now available on Amazon. She fell in love with spoken word poetry in 2005 when she was on the 1st Place Urban Word New York Team at the International Brave New Voices Poetry Slam. Her poetry has taken her to some of the biggest stages, including the Apollo Theater where she won first place in the Amateur Night competition. 

In this 50 minute interactive performance, Jaylene Clark Owens uses her poetry to discuss the power of embracing your authentic voice. She will share several powerful, original spoken word poems that speak to the many different ways your voice can be used, such as advocating for yourself, speaking against injustices, and using your voice to create opportunities. Jaylene will allot time to take questions from the audience about her artistic career and process, as well as facilitate a writing exercise in which she and the audience will create a collective poem about the strength that comes from living in your authenticity. 

Join Jaylene’s interactive performance on Thursday, September 3rd from 7:30-8:30 p.m. via this link:

This performance is sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

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