Mandatory Annual Training 2020-2021

Hello Clarkson Employees

Last night employees received an email with the subject line: Clarkson University has assigned you training Tuesday Sep 1, 2020 as a part of the Required Annual Training 2020-2021 In some cases, GMail has mistakenly marked the message as SPAM or a potential phishing attempt.  This is not correct – Clarkson is using EVERFI  training systems. You will receive periodic updates from them letting you know that you have a training to complete.

Please refer to the campus announcement dated August 26, 2020 (  about Clarkson’s training program for all Clarkson employees with a new online training that will have both individual and group components. The training will focus on University policies, Federal and State compliance requirements, and our continued effort to keep the conversation going around topics discussed in our forums around Diversity and Inclusion and Health, Safety and Security. 

Thank you

Human Resources

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