Chief Inclusion Office Weekly DEIB Resources Historical and Contemporary Black Experience
The Chief Inclusion Office is launching a weekly resources announcement to the Clarkson Community. The resources are meant to help people explore diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging [DEIB] for themselves, in their communities, and in our institution. They may be resources that help you re-examine society and do some introspective reflection, explain core concepts like intersectionality or anti-racism, or practical guides for action, such as how to review a syllabus for equity-minded practice.
The resources will be linked in the announcement and saved to a common google folder for all to reference,
If you would like to share thoughts on resources, please contact We will also be using some of these resources as the basis of workshops and professional development throughout the year.
This week we offer some resources that reflect on historical and contemporary Black experiences.
Friday, September 18 at 1pm
Dr Christopher O. Johnson will present his work, “Negotiating Racial Identity, while Navigating Predominately White Institutions.” at the David A. Walsh‘67 Arts & Sciences Seminar Series
The purpose of this study was to examine the effective strategies and behaviors Students of Color use to manage their interracial interactions with their White faculty and peers at Predominately White Institutions (PWI) in the midwestern United States. A PWI was selected for this study, both because of its unique educational environment and because there is a dearth of research on Students of Color and their experiences at these institutions.[See attached poster]
In honor of Constituion Day, a piece from The Conversation, by historian Frederick Wright, contextualizes the 14th Amendment. How black grassroots politics led to the 14th Amendment and black citizenship