Have a blast connecting with friendly folks through a unique virtual experience full of trivia and laughs. Safely socialize with fellow Clarkson University students on a live/hosted Zoom video call from the comfort of your own home (with or without your camera on). If that isn’t enough to be excited about, winners get to take home some awesome prizes! Join on your laptop (preferred) or phone to answer various forms of fun trivia experienced in small group settings. A friendly trivia host will be in charge of asking questions in multiple entertaining ways, ensuring you easily make new friends, and creating/switching teams during the event!
Link: https://zoom.us/j/94719717502?pwd=d3NpYzJZc1EwOFNrTHYxc2N6NmtOZz09
Meeting ID: 947 1971 7502
Passcode (all lowercase letters): playnow
Note: The virtual doors open 7 p.m. and close at 7:30 with trivia beginning at 7:10. Scoring will be kept throughout the event so players who arrive on time will have more opportunities to earn points! Once you join, the trivia host will gladly explain everything you need to know.
Zoom Instructions: You can access the video call by clicking the link above OR by going to zoom.com → select “Join a Meeting” → enter the Meeting ID and Password provided in this invite. If you haven’t used Zoom before, you can quickly download the free Zoom app or download their free software in advance (takes roughly 1-2 minutes). A laptop is highly preferred but you can also use your phone to enjoy the fun.
Have: Pen, paper, and lots of light on your smiling face!