Restart Communication: Reporting a Positive Covid-19 Case Today on 9/29

As has been the circumstances in our previous reported cases, we want to acknowledge the diligence of this member of our Clarkson community to follow the protocols put in place by NYS Public Health, Clarkson and our health system partners.  We extend our well wishes to this member of our Clarkson community.  

Potsdam Campus Community,

Per our Restart Plan protocols, we are sharing that Clarkson was notified earlier today that a member of our Clarkson community has tested positive for COVID-19. This individual followed the University’s  protocols and was taking appropriate measures.   

·       To respect the privacy of the individual, they will remain anonymous.

·       This individual has been in quarantine and not on campus since September 18.  They will remain quarantined by the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department until officials have cleared the individual.

·       As part of their protocols in any positive test case, a representative of the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department will notify directly any community members, students, faculty, and staff who may have been exposed and will give further guidance. These contacts will remain confidential.  

·       Public health may ask the University for information to support their review and your assistance is appreciated.

·       All other members of the community should continue to abide by social distancing and other preventative measures. Wearing a mask is the #1 way we can stop the spread.  

We want to also thank St. Lawrence County Public Health and the St. Lawrence Health System, which manages our University Health Center and Canton-Potsdam Hospital, for working with us on these processes to protect the health, safety and well-being of our community and remind everyone that these steps for screening, testing, quarantining when exposed and monitoring do make a difference.   The health and well-being of our community is Clarkson’s top priority.

We understand that announcements like this may cause concern in our immediate community. Please continue to live the Clarkson values through your diligence in following the preventive measures and social distancing practices shared with the community and with integrity in continuing to value the global plurality of our University community. 

If you have any questions about this communication, please contact your supervisor, and/or me.  We care about all of you and complete transparency in our communications.  Please maintain your diligence and caring attitude for your community.  

Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations
Restart Communications Lead

Dashboard statistics on testing and positive cases are at 

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