Stage 3 Student FAQs

Per our earlier communication on reopening in stages and policies for non-essential gatherings, events and group activities, we moved to Stage 3 effective  Monday, September 21.  While we still encourage virtual events and meetings, during Stage 3 most clubs and organizations can also expand in-person gatherings to up to 25 people. 

With the start of Stage 3, students have also inquired about travel and safety plans. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions for your reference.. Further comments or inquiries may be sent to . Thanks to students for their continued diligence in maintaining a healthy community!


Q: Can I carpool with other students and/or multiple members of the club (who are not in the same family unit) together at a time?

A: While the CUSA sponsored Clarkson Bus is available to all students free of charge with their student ID, the University acknowledges that students may wish to ride in personal vehicles with other Clarkson students who are cleared to be on campus. When traveling outside of family units, the University expects that students will wear face masks throughout the duration of travel and recommends no more than 50% occupancy with windows down to allow for increased air flow. Effective in Stage 3, students are permitted to travel for club/organization purposes in vehicles with students who are not members of their family unit.  

Everyone should do the daily health screening before they travel and not participate if they are showing any symptoms.  

Q: Can I travel outside of the North Country Region?

A: Travel outside of the North Country Region of NYS by individual students as well as University sponsored organizations is not permitted. Organizations that travel using University funds without approval will face disciplinary action and will not be reimbursed for any incurred costs. Student organizations are expected to complete the student organization travel form on Knight Life. Clubs and organizations may use their funding for travel within the North Country. 

Complete the COVID-19 Travel Form if you are requesting to travel outside of the North Country Region. This form must be completed at least three business days in advance, absent emergencies. All students who are approved to travel outside of the North Country Region must complete a 14-day quarantine prior to returning to their residence hall, in-person classes, etc.

Safety Plans / Student event requests 

Q: Where can I get a Safety Plan? What goes into my Safety Plan? When do I need to submit a Safety Plan? – maybe break up?

A: You can submit an event safety plan using the Covid-19 Event Safety Plan form on Knight Life. Once your Event Safety Plan has been approved, you will need to submit an Event Registration Form under your organization’s page.

Q: Who do I submit my club sport or outdoor club safety plan to?

A: Kristen Avery at

Q: How early can we schedule reservations with athletics for practice?

A: Once your safety plan is approved, you can schedule them for a week in advance of your practice.

Q: Do I need to resubmit a safety plan when we reach a new phase?

A: You do not have to submit a safety plan, you can keep your original safety plan and expand to each phase’s allotted number of attendees as long as it meets the capacity requirements of the space where you are practicing.

General Questions

Q: Do the University’s limits on gatherings apply to off-campus gatherings?

A: Yes. As noted in the Clarkson Commitment, students are expected to adhere to University gathering restrictions both on- and off-campus. These restrictions are put in place in order to maximize our likelihood for a successful in-person semester.

Q: Can remote students come on campus at a certain point after being tested and participate in events or are they not able to come until next semester?

A: No. In order to uphold their request for remote study and limit their exposure to COVID-19, remote students are not permitted to access campus for any reason. Since remote students are not held to the same rigorous requirements as students studying in person (e.g. surveillance testing, travel restrictions, etc.), prohibiting remote students from accessing campus is an additional protective measure for our students studying on-campus.

Remote students who would like to change their status to in-person study may request to do so by contacting Approved students are required to complete protective measures prior to accessing campus.

Q: Can parents/alumni and other visitors come to campus at all? Can they come to campus to pick someone up? Can they meet people off campus (dinner, hikes, etc.)?

A: Guests are not permitted on-campus at this time. If a student requires a guest to pick them up from campus, the guest must not enter any University buildings and must refrain from interacting with other students. If the guest exits their vehicle for any length of time, they must wear a face mask (covering both nose and mouth) when social distancing cannot be maintained. Guests may meet students off-campus while adhering to all requirements set forth by any establishments they visit.

Students and guests are encouraged to wear face masks during their interactions. While the University understands the desire and sometimes necessity for visits, it is important to acknowledge that COVID-19 is easily transmitted, including from asymptomatic individuals, and ignoring these recommendations may result in an outbreak which forces the University to shift to remote learning. To minimize this possibility, guests are encouraged to self-quarantine prior to visiting or otherwise interacting in-person with students.

Q: When will indoor tabling be allowed?

A: At this time, there is not a scheduled timeline for indoor tabling. Any updates to this plan will be included in applicable University announcements.

Club Sports & Recreation

Q: If I am part of a high-risk sport that isn’t currently able to practice, when I am able to practice, how will space be reserved when low and moderate-risk sports already have their space reserved? 

A: Once the high risk sports are allowed to start, all the clubs will need to reschedule their practice space, so everyone has a fair shot.

Q: Now that we have reached phase 3, are we able to have small scrimmages?

A: Scrimmages are still not permitted due to the high-risk nature of person to person contact.

Q: What is the best way to access cage storage under the Adirondack Lodge?

A: Only two people from a club may access the cage at one time.  If you need more bodies then reach out to Jeff Lathrop at and he can assist in ensuring it is done in a safe manner.

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