The members of the Clarkson Biochemistry & Proteomics Lab, led by Costel C. Darie, Associate Professor in Chemistry & Biomolecular Science, will attend the Eastern Analytical Symposium next month.

Top: Dr. Costel C. Darie, Zaen Manzoor, Danielle Whitham, Zach Sechrist & Madhuri Jayathirtha
Bottom: Dr. Marius Mihasan, Emmalyn J. Dupree
The symposium, a national conference that gathers ~2,500-3,000 scientists, is usually held annually in Princeton, NJ and the attendees are mostly analytical or bioanalytical chemists, biochemists and scientists in the more general field of biomolecular science. This year, the symposium will be held virtual.
At this conference, six of the Biochemistry & Proteomics Lab members will present their work through an oral presentation and a seventh one through a poster presentation. Three presentations will be delivered by graduate students (Madhuri Jayathirtha, Emmalyn Dupree and Danielle Whitham), one by Dr. Darie and one by Dr. Marius Mihasan. Dr. Mihasan is a former Fulbright Fellow at Clarkson, currently professor of biochemistry at “Al. I. Cuza” University Iasi, Romania. The sixth oral presentation will be delivered by Zaen Manzoor, a Biomolecular Science undergraduate student. Zach Sechrist, also a Biomolecular Science undergraduate student, will have a poster presentation.
“We attend this symposium each year,” said Darie, “and it’s a good way to expose the students to research done by others and also to get feedback on their research projects. It is not common for an undergraduate student to deliver an oral presentation. This presentation is the second in my career that is presented by an undergraduate student. It is also uncommon to have so many abstracts from one lab to be selected for an oral presentation. So we are happy.”