HEOP Alumnus, Kelvin Herrera-Hassan ‘10
Innovation & Entrepreneur Major
Kelvin started with Mount Saint Mary College’s Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) in June 2018. Before coming to the Mount, he was the Assistant Director for HEOP at Clarkson University where he brought energy and passion to their program and not only engaged HEOP students to reach their potential but also led a number of community services projects, programming and led the Summer Pre-Freshman Program.
Kelvin also founded a group called Men’s Empowerment Network, a group focused around HEOP students but open to the entire campus, where they strived to build and guide underrepresented men to become the leaders of tomorrow. Not only will Kelvin bring in a diverse, fresh, new, innovative, outlook to the HEOP program at Mount Saint Mary College, but he will also be looking to establish lasting relationships with the students, staff and faculty, while continuing to spread awareness of the HEOP program and all of the greatness that comes from it!
Please join us to hear Kelvin’s journey from NYC to Clarkson and now Newburg NY as a HEOP Director! Learn about his tips and strategies on how to make it happen as a student and young professional.
When: Wednesday October 21st, 2020
Time: 5:00 – 6:00pm
Where: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/94127327220?pwd=M2Z6czV0NThhZFlSbTQ3K0RwZE5SZz09