Dear Clarkson Faculty and Staff,
REMINDER: The Clarkson University Libraries workshop series will continue tomorrow at 5pm – via Zoom with “Fake” News, Scholarly Sources, and Everything in Between: Tips for Evaluating Sources.
What is “fake” news, really? What is the difference between a scholarly source and a news source? What is peer review? How do I evaluate sources I find on the web? This workshop will help answer these questions and ensure you’re using the best sources for your next research project…and your daily life.
Add to Google Calendar here.

This semester’s workshop series will also include:
- Tech Giants: Algorithms, “Filter Bubbles” and Privacy – Thursday, Nov. 5 at 5pm – via Zoom
Please consider offering your students extra credit to attend one or more of our workshops! Email Lisa Hoover at to have attendance taken.
For more details visit our website.
To keep track of news and events at the library Like Us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter or Instagram.
Lisa Hoover & Amber Amidon
Public Services Librarians