Five Hours a week to ‘Focus on Family Needs’

Clarkson recognizes the importance of maintaining balance between family needs and our professional lives while continuing to adjust to accommodate the new ‘normal’ that COVID-19 has brought upon us.

The University understands that K-12 schools continue to be on different teaching plans and will continued to be  altered to accommodate for contract tracing, CDC requirements and guidelines.

Clarkson is extending the five (5) hour a week ‘Focus on Family Needs’ to allow employees continued use of  up to five hours a week to assist your children with remote and in-person learning schedules and to assist with continuing care of other family needs such as doctors’ appointments, or simply grocery shopping for immediate family members related to COVID. This will be paid time off. You will need to provide notification to your supervisor and submit the hours through Kronos. This would mean you work 32.5 hours (on campus or remotely) and 5 hours ‘focusing on family needs’ and you will be paid for 37.5 hours bi-weekly.

Available from 9/8/2020 – 12/31/2020; Extended to January 31, 2021

Please complete the below form.

If you have questions, please call the Human Resources office at ext. 2222 or email and copy

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