Re: Temporary change to Clarkson Regulations for Spring 2021

To: All Faculty – Potsdam campus, All Students- Potsdam Campus
From: Provost Robyn Hannigan
Cc: Amanda Pickering, Executive Director of Academic Affairs and James Pittman, Dean of Students
Re: Temporary change to Clarkson Regulations for Spring 2021
Date: December 11, 2020

With approval of the Faculty Senate, the following changes to the Undergraduate and Graduate Clarkson Regulations will be in
effect for Spring 2021 only (January 4, 2021 through May 17, 2021). These changes adapt the regulations to the distribution
of break days across the Spring semester and are temporary. The changes only apply to semester-based undergraduate and
graduate programs on the Potsdam campus, excluding the residential MBA program. These changes do not apply to the
health sciences programs or to those offered through our Capital Region Campus or Beacon Institute. Faculty are asked to
remind students of these temporary regulations in their course syllabi for Spring 2021.


  1. After the beginning of the semester, instructors may reschedule classes only in exceptional circumstances. The
    instructor’s department chair (or designated School administrator) must approve the proposed change. The
    department (or School) will then work with Room Reservations to effect the change. In making such changes,
    instructors must consider the rights of the individual. If such a change is inconvenient to even one student, the right
    of that student to attend class at the regularly scheduled time must outweigh the desires of the rest of the class.
  2. For each of their courses, instructors may cancel or reschedule the last class that meets before, or the first class that
    meets after, a break in the semester schedule, except when those days are Mondays or Fridays (i.e., long weekend,
    break days).

  3. Undergraduate exams and review sessions are to be scheduled during regularly scheduled class periods. No evening
    exams outside of regularly scheduled class times or weekend exams will be permitted in Spring 2021.
  4. Tests and examinations can be given within one academic day following the end of a vacation. Instructors will provide
    documentation in the syllabus and ensure students are aware that an exam follows a break day(s).
  5. Homework that is due on the first day immediately following a vacation can be assigned on the last day preceding the
    beginning of the vacation. Instructors will provide documentation in the syllabus and ensure students are aware that
    an assignment is due immediately following a break day(s).

    Break Days During the SPRING 2021 Semester (No classes on these days)
    Career Fair–All Majors Friday, February 12, 2021
    February Break Wednesday-Thursday, February 17-18, 2021

    Spring Break Days Tuesday, March 9, 2021
    Wednesday, March 10, 2021
    Monday, March 22, 2021
    Thursday, March 25, 2021
    Spring 2021 Research & Friday, April 23, 2021
    Project Showcase (RAPS)

    The semester is currently scheduled to begin remotely on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, for all students. We are currently scheduled to resume in-person classes beginning Monday, January 18, 2021.

    Final exams are currently scheduled for May 5 through 11.
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