Based on ongoing campus feedback to streamline announcements and earlier posts on the process, the University will be eliminating the option to request announcements to the campus community separate from the daily e-newsletter. Exceptions will be made for vital campus information where timeliness is appropriate and for the CUSA and GSA newsletters that are a compendium of information on their activities for students.
In an effort to create a more efficient daily digest for people to use, make it clear in the headline and first paragraph whether the announcement is informational only, or if there is an action item included in the announcement.
Please keep the body of your announcement succinct to allow for quick and easy consumption of your information.
You MUST include your contact information: a phone number, email address or other way readers can get in touch with you if they have questions. This must be a specific person’s contact information, not just a department email or phone number.
Please submit your announcements 24 business hours in advance to ensure that your entry is included in the next day’s weekday distribution.
To get an announcement into the daily newsletter, please email your information to In your subject line requesting the post, please put “PLEASE POST” and include the headline for your announcement post. Those two words of text will be removed before submission to the newsletter. Please also specify in the first lines of this email the groups that you want to get the message being sent (again, this text will be removed before submission to the newsletter.)
- Options are All campuses, all students, all employees, Potsdam faculty, Potsdam staff, Potsdam undergrad students, Potsdam grad students; Beacon faculty, Beacon staff, Beacon grad students; Capital faculty, Capital staff, Capital grad students, Semester-Based Graduate Students and Quarter-Based Graduate Students
- Semester-based and Quarter-based graduate students are included in their respective constituent groups based on their location already, so these options should only be used if the information is ONLY pertinent to Semester-based or Quarter-based students.
- Tags (optional) — You may also indicate which tag(s) you would like added to your message — Athletics, Events, Facilities, General, News, Safety & Security, Seminars and Colloquiums, Service Excellence, OIT, Research, Job Announcements, Students, Service Excellence, Sustainability, Workshop Series, Ignite, Payroll, Human Resources, News, CU Archives, and CU Library. Campus users on the Web site will be able to sort by these tags from the aggregate of all messages.
- Contact information: a phone number, email address or other way readers can get in touch with you if they have any questions. We will default to the sender’s email if this is not included in the announcement.
All employees and students will be included in these daily distributions.
Other email distributions lists, such as Athletic Events, Milestones, General Discussion are opt-out lists for employees to receive special updates and do not automatically include everyone. We have groups working on how to more effectively use these to encourage dialogue.
Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations,
Melissa Lindell, Director of Media Relations,