Dr. Zhenan Bao will present the lecture at Clarkson University’s 25th Shipley Distinguished Lectureship, January 22, 2021. The lecture will be held virtually, via Zoom and is open to the public.

Professor Zhenan Bao is a world-renowned expert in the field of flexible electronics and the Department Chair and K.K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering, and by courtesy, a Professor of Chemistry and a Professor of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Bao founded the Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiate (eWEAR) in 2016 and serves as the faculty director. Bao is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Inventors. She is a Fellow of MRS, ACS, AAAS, SPIE, ACS PMSE and ACS POLY.
Dr. Bao will present “Skin Inspired Organic Electronics” on Friday, January 22, at 2 p.m. via Zoom.
Bao was selected as Nature’s Ten people who mattered in 2015 as a “Master of Materials” for her work on artificial electronic skin. She was awarded the Gibbs Medal by the Chicago session of ACS in 2020, the University of Chicago Alumni Award by the Department of Chemistry in 2020, the Wilhelm Exner Medal by the Austrian Federal Minister of Science 2018, ACS Award on Applied Polymer Science 2017, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award in the Physical Sciences 2017, the AICHE Andreas Acrivos Award for Professional Progress in Chemical Engineering in 2014, ACS Carl Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award in 2013, ACS Cope Scholar Award in 2011, the Royal Society of Chemistry Beilby Medal and Prize in 2009, the IUPAC Creativity in Applied Polymer Science Prize in 2008.
Bao is a co-founder and on the Board of Directors for C3 Nano and PyrAmes, both are silicon-valley venture-funded start-ups. She serves as an advising Partner for Fusion Venture Capital.
Bao leads the Bao Research Group at Stanford, which has members from around the world. Their research areas include synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials, organic electronic device design and fabrication, and applications development for organic electronics. The Bao group uses a multidisciplinary approach, involving concepts and expertise from chemistry, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science and engineering, physics, and electrical engineering. The devices of current interest are organic and carbon nanotube thin-film transistors, organic photovoltaic cells, chemical/biological sensors and molecular switches. These devices are used as characterization tools for fundamental charge transport and photophysics studies. They are also of practical interest for nano-scale electronics, alternative energy sources, low cost and large-area flexible plastic circuits, displays, and disposable sensors.
The Shipley Distinguished Lectures are sponsored by the Shipley Family Foundation, with support from Clarkson’s Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP). This year’s lecture is co-sponsored by the Clarkson University Electrochemical Society (ECS) Student Chapter. The lectures were initiated in 1994 by the late Professor Egon Matijevic through a generous gift from the foundation on behalf of the late Lucia and Charles Shipley.
The University’s relationship with the Shipleys dates to 1970, when Matijevic was invited by the Shipley Company to successfully resolve a patent situation involving their critical catalyst in electroless plating, establishing a professional relationship between the two entrepreneurs that continued for years.
For more than 20 years, distinguished speakers from around the world, including ten Nobel Laureates, have presented talks. The purpose of the lectures is to promote scholarly achievement at Clarkson by providing the opportunity for idea exchange and active learning, as well as allowing undergraduate and graduate students to meet the most prestigious speakers from all over the world.
For more information about the lectures, please contact Elizabeth McCarran at 315-268-6658 or emccarra@clarkson.edu.