COVID-19 READ: Update on COVID-19 Positive Cases and Quarantines

Potsdam Campus Community,

We appreciate the caring and concern for all in our greater Clarkson community and the extra diligence you are taking to stop the spread of COVID-19. THANK YOU. 

In the last 48 hours, more than 85 members of our community are back to their on campus routines after completing isolations and quarantines that are helping to stop the spread. Two members of our community, who were in quarantine or have been off campus since last week tested positive today.  We wish them all good health.   

Our reporting is inclusive of all undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff who live on and off campus, and who are all part of our on-campus learning and living community at the downtown and hill campuses. 

To respect the privacy of the individuals, they will remain anonymous.  

  • They will remain quarantined by the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department until officials have cleared them. 
  • As part of the NYS protocols in any positive test case, a representative of the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department will be in contact with them and any contacts. 
  • Public Health may ask the University for information to support their review and your assistance, if you are asked to help, is appreciated.  It is important that you follow the qr-code classroom scan to check-in guidelines as this will limit the number of individuals who may need to quarantine. 

PLEASE  remain diligent towards the safety protocols that will help you and your friends, classmates and peers stay healthy: wear your mask, practice good hand hygiene, abide by social distancing, complete the daily screening tool to help monitor for sympotms and take other preventative measures.

If you have any questions about this communication, please contact and/or me.  

Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations
Restart /Rebuild Communications Lead

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