FACULTY/STAFF OPEN FORUM – Candidate 2 for the position of Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences

The Clarkson University search committee for the new dean of the School of Arts and Sciences has selected four final candidates. The candidates will participate in virtual visits during the weeks of February 8 and February 15.  Each candidate virtual visit includes a presentation of each candidate’s vision for the future of the School as well as a public forum for faculty and staff and another for undergraduate and graduate students. 

All information including candidate CV’s and attendee surveys are online at https://sites.google.com/clarkson.edu/academic-affairs/home/office-of-the-provost/sas-dean-search-2021  

The second candidate open forum for faculty and staff will be Friday February 12th, 12:00pm (https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/99237344138)

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