Power grids are a hot topic right now as winter storms have strained grids and even caused some grid failure across the country. Clarkson University offers practicing power engineers the opportunity to advance their knowledge and technical skills in their discipline by obtaining an advanced certificate in power systems engineering. The curriculum covers both the equipment and systems aspects of power engineering. The courses are taught by a dedicated set of power engineering faculty who actively contribute cutting-edge power engineering research to the field and maintain strong ties with industry.

The Clarkson University Advanced Certificate in Power Systems Engineering requires 12 credits of graduate-level electric power engineering courses which can now be taken in either a semesters- or quarters-basis. The program accepts students with BS degrees from the full range of engineering disciplines. Students are expected to have completed a calculus-based undergraduate engineering course in electric circuits prior to starting the Certificate Program.
Students can elect later to continue their graduate education and pursue Clarkson’s Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering with a Power Engineering concentration. Students who choose to do so can apply their certificate courses to the master’s degree.
The certificate program is designed to provide practicing engineers with advanced capability in the power system area. The course offerings allow students to select coursework that will best fit their interests and needs. To learn more about the program go to https://www.clarkson.edu/graduate/power-systems-engineering or email graduate@clarkson.edu