STEM QuESTS Challenge- Deadline Extended to Tuesday @ 11:59PM!

Good news- the registration deadline for the STEM QuESTS Challenge has been extended to Tuesday, February 23rd at 11:59PM! In addition to competing in a valuable challenge, your team can give back to the Potsdam community in this unprecedented time and receive service hours while doing so! Details on this to follow. Sign up today, give back to the community, and collaborate to build unique educational activities for K12 students! Below is the full challenge description:

Think back to before college. What inspired YOU to choose your major and career pathway? Something fascinating you discovered in nature? Something going on in the world? Was it a teacher? An experiment you performed in a science lab? A hobby you are passionate about?”

The Institute for STEM Education is introducing a collaborative challenge for Clarkson students with support from the Robert Plane Endowed Chair. In the challenge, Clarkson teams will create a hands-on educational activity to help spark an interest in STEM for local middle and high school students. The challenge is open to all undergraduate and graduate students and provides $7,500 in prizes for winning teams! Registration opens today, February 1st, and will continue through February 23rd. You can register by self-enrolling in the moodle course here and filling out the brief registration form at the top. Thank you for your interest and if you have any questions, please email!

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