ADK Semester Info Session March 4th

Are you interested in applying for the Adirondack Semester but aren’t really sure what it’s about? Come drop in to our ADK info session on March 4th, 4:30-5 pm! Hear from ADK alumni and Adirondack Semester Director Alex French! See below for the zoom link, the 2021 project description, more information about ADK Semester, and the application link (due April 2nd, 2021).

Contact  or with any questions or comments. Hope to see you there!

Project Description: Project-Aquatic Connectivity and Restoration in the Adirondacks. The Fall 2021 ADK Semester will tackle aquatic habitat fragmentation in the Adirondack State Park. The student cohort will examine constructed barriers in ADK waterways such as dams, culvert, train corridors, and highways. They will investigate engineering and policy solutions for restoring aquatic habitat in the region, determining how to come up with successful solutions that balance economic costs, environmental policy protections, and ecological and community priorities. 

Zoom Link: 

More Info:  

Application (Due April 2nd):

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