Students, please take our Food Insecurity Survey!

This semester’s Sophomore Honors Project Class is tackling food insecurity on Clarkson’s Hill campus. This survey’s purpose is to better understand students’ experience with food and possible food insecurity and how Clarkson could mitigate it.

EVEN IF YOU DON’T THINK YOU EXPERIENCE FOOD INSECURITY AT CLARKSON, WE WOULD STILL LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU. This survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete. This survey is anonymous and will not collect any personal identifying information.

This questionnaire is part of a study to fulfill a course requirement for Honors Sophomore Class Project, HP 201, and is for instructional purposes only. It has no official University sponsorship or affiliation. If part or the whole of this questionnaire seems inappropriate, inaccurate or undesirable to you, you may refuse to participate in this study, or offer corrective constructive comments as you wish.

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