Job Talk – Candidate for Assistant Professor of African American or Indigenous American Studies in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Baligh Ben Taleb


Treaty Rights and Land Fights: A Saga of Two Western Shoshoni Sisters


Today, he will talk about the implications of the Indian Claims Commission (ICC, 1946-1978) for Western Shoshoni sisters, Carrie and Mary Dann, and their long-standing battles for Shoshoni land and treaty rights in Nevada. Driven in no small part by their need and belief that two-thirds of Nevada is Newe Sogobia, or Shoshoni homeland, the sisters flouted the Bureau of Land Management’s grazing fees, fines, and threats of eviction; and engaged in non-violent actions against U.S. laws and enforced policies of dispossession and historical erasure. Between the 1980s and 2000s, they helped weave a web of native and non-native supporters and organizations to bolster their historical rights, distinctive identity, and cultural values.

The story of the Dann sisters offers insights into the complexity of the processes of historical redress/reparation and transitional justice beyond the nation-state as a teleological end of decolonization. 

Date: March 4

Time: 1:00 – 2:00

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Meeting ID:  997 3525 6472

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