Student Job Search Assistance – Career Center Availability

We are here to help students who may be struggling with their job search. Please, if you’re having trouble landing a job, take advantage of our services immediately. 

To better serve our students, the Career Center has implemented one-on-one Zoom drop-in meetings (virtual appointments) to deliver all of our services. After analyzing student volume and availability, we’ve moved our open hours to Wednesday through Friday between 1PM EST and 4PM EST. We’ll have staff members waiting to meet with students live in break out rooms, no appointment necessary. To enter the meeting room during open hours please click here.

A summary of our services available to all majors and class years are below.

  • Resume critique/build
  • Cover letter and personal statement critiques
  • Job/internship search strategy
  • Interview tips/mock interviews
  • Professional experience information (paperwork, general questions, etc.)
  • Offers and negotiations assistance
  • Networking and LinkedIn tips
  • General career questions

We also have on-demand programming on your YouTube channel and can be reached at for further assistance including resume and cover letter quick critiques. 
Employers will continue to host virtual information sessions and interviews while on-campus visits are paused. To view all virtual events, please see the events section in Handshake. As always, jobs will be posted daily. If you have any questions, please email

Clarkson University Career Center

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