COVID-19 Read: Going into Weekend Case & Quarantine Update / Regional Updates

In this communication: 

  • Positive Case & Quarantine Update
  • Regional Case Updates

Golden Knights,

Positive Case & Quarantine Update:  University Care Team Members are currently supporting eleven students from our Potsdam campus who have an active COVID-19 case.  We added one today from someone who has not been on campus since March 8. We wish them all a return to good health.  We also have 79 students in public health mandated quarantines on and off campus. 

Regional Case Load:  As reported on the St. Lawrence County Web site, St. Lawrence County has 91 active cases; Franklin County has 80 and Jefferson County has 129.  The State of Vermont is also reporting record single day case increases this past week, particularly among young people.  Please keep being vigilant with the healthy and safety protocols that keep our campus community active in pursuing education, clubs and sports and support all of your fellow Golden Knights by maintaining the bubble.

“What you don’t do determines what you can do.” Tim Ferriss

If you have any questions about this communication, please contact (employees), (students) and/or me. 

Kelly Chezum ‘04
VP for External Relations
Restart/Rebuild Communications Lead 

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