Picture a Scientist

Picture A Scientist:
The experience of women scientists. Important to all people, this file is an important examination of systematic bias in science. If you ever wonder whether bias in science is really a problem or not, watch this film and you will come away convinced and enlightened in the ways this bias hurt everyone regardless of gender. Watch anytime between 6 pm March 26th through 6 pm March 29th at https://tinyurl.com/clarksoncodedbias

Please consider registering here for more information on how to watch and how to participate in the related events:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-T4UJ8lApr43e2cqy-8PHnZBrnB_lIaTrhlM545E7yMYHaw/viewform

Please feel free to invite your friends and family!  Most of these events are open to anyone!

Thank you so much!

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