Your FREE OrganiCup Helps Save Money!

Why spend $100’s of dollars yearly on menstrual products when you can save money with the use of OrganiCup? Especially now- when you can get it for FREE using this link. It has been found that using a reusable menstrual cup is about only 10% of the cost of what disposable products would cost in a year. Normally, without this CampusCup promotion with Clarkson, a menstrual cup would be a one time payment of $28, which is still significantly less than what it would cost per year for a supply of tampons or pads.

Not only are you and the environment benefiting from this product, but you’re benefiting your wallet as well! With proper care, OrganiCup is meant to last for years, making it worth the while to invest.

Be sure to sign up for OrganiCup today! You can get a free one if you sign up between now and April 4th. Don’t miss out! After the window closes on April 4th, you can still get a 20% discount on their site using code “CLARKSON” at checkout.

Use this link to get a free cup! (

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