Honors Department Seminar

Kate Krueger 

Honors Department 

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

will speak on 

“Cultivating Excellence: On Equity, Engagement, and Innovation in Honors.” Abstract: 

The Clarkson University Honors program has established a strong foundation in student research  and a vibrant community. If we want students to exemplify academic excellence, to be engaged in the  broader world, and to interact as members of an inclusive community, we must make it clear to them that  Honors is a place where both skills and values are enacted. It is not just that we do research or community  service; how we carry out this learning matters. My vision of Honors emphasizes innovation, engagement,  reflection, and holistic support, as well as an equity-based model of learning and inclusion for all our  students throughout their time in Honors. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 

9:00 am 

Zoom link: 

https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/95060360823?pwd=bUlBU3NwQ2xRblV0ZVh3RzFrYUd2QT09 Meeting ID: 950 6036 0823  

Passcode: 060828

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