Letter to the Clarkson Community on the Attack in London Ontario

Dear Clarkson Community,

It is with great sadness that we learned of the murders of the Afzaal family in London, Ontario.  This hate crime has been a terrible blow to the local community and we realize is impacting many throughout the wider Muslim community and Canadians everywhere.  

Those of us who believe in and strive for a peaceful world where we embrace each other in both our similarities and differences have heavy hearts as we remember those lost and the young boy whose family was taken from him in this horrible act.

We want you to know that the Clarkson Community is here for you.  We stand against Islamophobia and celebrate and value our community members who are Muslim and Pakistani.  

The Chief Inclusion Office is here for you.  The lounge is open and so is the meditation room.  The Dean of Students, Human Resources, and the Counseling Center are also available to help community members. 

The Chief Inclusion Team

  • Clarkson University’s Counseling Center staff is available to meet with students for a one-time or ongoing basis to offer counseling and support.  You can request an appointment by calling:  315-268-6633 or by sending an email to SHAC@clarkson.edu
  • For 24 hour response please call Campus Safety and Security 315-268-6666 or 911 – CRC use (518) 631-9900 or 911
  • Safety Officers available in the ERC office and at number above. 
  • They can contact several offices throughout the university. 
  • CSS available 24/7 for safety escorts on campus and within the village of Potsdam.
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