TIMELY WARNING Incident on Maple Street near Stewarts

Last night, June 9th, at approximately 9pm a member of the Clarkson Community was walking alone along Maple Street near Stewarts.  Someone in a passing vehicle threw a soda out of the window soaking the individual.  

While it is unclear if this was a random or targeted attack, the individual was wearing a religious headcovering.

Although Clarkson is working to identify the perpetrator[s], they have not been identified. Therefore we are issuing a timely warning to make others aware of the situation.  Please be aware of your surroundings and if you are concerned about walking somewhere alone, contact Campus Safety, 315-268-6666.

Anything thrown from a vehicle can be extremely dangerous and can qualify as criminal assault.

If you have information about the incident, please contact Campus Safety and Security. 315-268-6666. 

If you wish to talk about this incident or need support please feel free to reach out to any of the following offices:

  • Chief Inclusion Office 315-268-3785 diversity@Clarkson.edu
  • Dean of Students Office 315-268-6620 deanofstudents@Clarkson.edu 
  • Clarkson University’s Counseling Center staff is available to meet with students for a one-time or ongoing basis to offer counseling and support.  You can request an appointment by calling:  315-268-6633 or by sending an email to SHAC@clarkson.edu. 
  • For 24 hour response please call Campus Safety and Security 315-268-6666 or 911 – CRC use (518) 631-9900 or 911
  • Safety Officers available in the ERC office and at number above. 
  • They can contact several offices throughout the university. 
  • CSS available 24/7 for safety escorts on campus and within the village of Potsdam.
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