COVID-19 Fall Return Read & Act: Vaccination Documentation Deadlines Approaching for Capital Region & Beacon Institute-based Graduate Students

All Capital Region and Beacon Campus Students,

We look forward to welcoming you back for the Fall Term in a few short weeks!

If you have already submitted your required COVID-19 vaccination documentation and/or request for a medical or religious exemption, THANK YOU. Exemption requests will be responded to within 24 business hours in most cases. 

If you still need to submit your required proof of vaccination or request a medical or religious exemption, now is the time to take care of this:

  • August 1, 2021 is the deadline for Capital Region Campus and Beacon Institute based students to submit a vaccination exemption request.  Go to the “COVID-19 Vaccine Proof” panel in myCU by visiting:   These requests will be reviewed immediately and a response will be sent within 24 business hours in most cases. 
  • August 15, 2021 is the deadline for Capital Region Campus and Beacon Institute based graduate students to submit proof of full vaccination. 
    • The Pfizer vaccine requires three weeks between doses. The Moderna vaccine requires four weeks between doses. The Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine is a single dose.  (If you are only scheduling your first dose this week, let us know via
    • If you do not have access to a vaccine provider, please first check the information on the Vaccine FAQ website with links and then contact the Student Health & Counseling Center if you can’t locate a provider or get an appointment. 
    • Students can upload a picture of their COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card or the NYS Excelsior Pass for the COVID-19 Vaccination on myCU after the second dose of a two-dose vaccine or after a single-dose vaccine. Upload a picture of the front of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (with all information visible) here:


  • If you have lost your proof of  COVID-19 vaccination and you received the vaccine in New York State, contact the New York State COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 1-833-697-4829 and they will provide you a copy of your immunization record from the NYS Immunization Information System. If you received it in another state, you can contact your local State Health Department.
  • The CDC considers an individual to be fully vaccinated: 1) two weeks after receiving their second dose in a 2-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or 2) two weeks after a single-dose Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.  You will not be able to begin in-person classes until you are fully vaccinated or have been granted an exemption. 

For more information, please reach out to: 

Kelly Chezum MBA ‘04

VP for External Relations
Communications Lead

Note:  Potsdam-based programs have a deadline of August 1, 2021 for submitting proof of full vaccination.  .  

Note:  If you are 100% remote and will not come to campus for any reason, than we can waive the vaccine/exemption requirement.  If you will come to a Clarkson event or campus for any reason, than your documentation is needed.  

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