Info for advisers on ADK Semester

Future of Legacy Mercury in the Adirondacks

All majors are encouraged to apply. The program is designed to be interdisciplinary. The Adirondack Semester is a 15-credit, off-campus domestic study program for undergraduates pursuing an experience that is enriching both academically and culturally. The program is designed to cover many of Clarkson’s common experience requirements: 

Course TitleProfessor(s)Credits / Knowledge Areas
EV 314 Adirondack Integrated Research Project: Mercury in the ADKsMichael TwissCGI, STS Communication Points: 2, Engineering Design Credits (1-2)
EV 322: A Sense of Place of the AdirondacksBethany GarretsonIA, CSO Communication Points: 1
EV/SS 320 Social and Political Issues in the AdirondacksSteve Bird, Chris RobinsonCSO, Communication Points: 1
CE301 ADK Geographical Information SystemsBill OlsenScience Technology Credit
EV/BY 312 Adirondack Ecology and Environmental ScienceSteve LangdonScience Technology credit, lab credit

To get a better sense of the program, check out this video of students doing field work last semester. Additionally, you can visit our program website or reach out to Alex French or Steve Bird with any questions or requests for a 5-minute presentation at the beginning of your class. 

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