Clarkson University President Tony Collins has announced that Annegret Staiger has been promoted from associate professor to professor of Anthropology in the School of Arts & Sciences.

Staiger has published two books and several articles. Her new book Legal Prostitution in Germany. Inside the New Mega Brothels, Indiana University Press, will be published in March 2022. In 2006 she published Learning Difference – Race and Schooling in the Multiracial Metropolis with Stanford University Press. Her article on whiteness as giftedness (“Whiteness as Giftedness – Racial Formation at an Urban High School.”
Social Problems, 51(2): 161-181, 2004) was republished in Germany and has become an important contribution to understanding systemic racism and the construction of whiteness in schooling. Staiger’s research has appeared in multiple other publications and she has been an invited speaker and presented at numerous conferences in the US and Europe.
For 2014-2015, she received a Fulbright Senior Scholar Award to the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, with the project: “Successful Migrants or Victims – What Happens when Romanian Sex Work Migrants Return Home?” for Research and Teaching in Romania. In 2013, Staiger was the co-founder of the annual Gender and Sexuality Conference of the Associated Colleges, and in 2020 Staiger co-organized the initiative to develop an Antiracism Institute at Clarkson University.
Staiger teaches courses on race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and Europe. Her research interests are race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and social justice. Staiger has done extensive ethnographic research of schooling in the U.S., and gender and agriculture in Mexico, and most recently, on the sex industry in Germany.
She received a degree in Biology from Universität Göttingen, Germany, and her Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees in Anthropology from the University of California at Santa Barbara.