Message From the Director

I am pleased to introduce myself to you, the Clarkson community, as the incoming director of the Clarkson Honors Program. Originally from Minnesota, I received my PhD in English from the University of Iowa in 2008. I have most recently been the director of honors for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have spent my career in academia developing innovative coursework and experiential learning opportunities for my students. Clarkson Honors is fertile ground for these high-impact educational experiences because the program embraces hands-on learning, deep research and independent thinking. I am thrilled to contribute my energies to Clarkson Honors as we build upon that strong foundation.
I hope to continue to support the tradition of innovation and excellence that distinguishes Clarkson Honors while expanding opportunities for real-world engagement and problem-solving. My vision of Honors includes enhancing community service and leadership opportunities, strengthening relationships with Honors faculty and alumni and expanding the curriculum possibilities to become more flexible and forward-thinking for students in all disciplines throughout their time at Clarkson. I’m so very excited to work with the amazing community of impassioned people at Clarkson as we move into the next generation of Clarkson Honors.
— Kate Krueger, Director, University Honors Program / Professor

It’s official — the new director is here! Professor of Literature Kate Krueger said goodbye to her colleagues at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, packed her bags and journeyed to the North Country, bringing with her years of experience in honors program directorship. We are excited to welcome her to Clarkson. READ MORE
Undergrads Germany Bound

As travel picks back up this summer, Honors student Tony Koppers ’22 will be one of two Clarkson undergrads heading to Germany. Recipients of Research Internships in Science and Engineering from the German Academic Exchange Service, Koppers and Michael Sehn ’23 will perform cutting-edge research at two of Germany’s top universities. READ MORE
When Does He Sleep?

Plasmonics researcher, book chapter author, ambassador to the American Physical Society. Few would guess that this is the resume of an undergraduate student. But, at Clarkson, students like this particular Honors undergraduate, Brendan Barrow ’22, are not uncommon. Neither is winning a Goldwater Scholarship — which Barrow just did. It’s all in a day’s work for this Golden Knight. READ MORE
STEM Challenge

Always willing to embark on a new pursuit, Clarkson students participated in this year’s inaugural STEM QuESTS Challenge (Questions that Explore STEM for Teachers and Students). This competition invited students to answer the question, “What inspired you to choose your STEM major and career pathway?” Honors student Miranda Wolf ’23 was on the team that came up with a winning answer. READ MORE