Clarkson PhD Student American Crystallographic Association Poster Prize

Charlene VanLeuven, a PhD student in Chemistry at Clarkson University, was recently recognized by the American Crystallographic Association during its 71st annual meeting on August 5.

Charlene VanLeuven

VanLeuven, who received her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Clarkson in 2019, was awarded the CrystEngComm Poster Prize, an award sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and given to the best student, graduate or undergraduate, poster presentation in the area of crystal engineering/supramolecular chemistry. VanLeuven received the award for her research project titled “Zwitterionic Metal-Organic Frameworks for Iodine Capture and Release.”

“It is a wonderful honor to be acknowledged for the research that I have done,” VanLeuven said. I have gotten where I am today with the support and great teaching/learning environment of The Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science and my advisor Dr. Mario Wriedt.”

VanLeuven also acknowledged Dr. Juby Varghese, a former colleague who did some of the introductory work on the project.

The American Crystallographic Association (ACA) advances, promotes and preserves crystallography, structural science, and allied disciplines for the benefit of humankind. The ACA provides students, young scientists and experienced crystallographers with opportunities to exhibit their achievements in research, creative and scholarly activities, and leadership. The ACA contributes to the intellectual, economic and scientific advancement of the communities and individuals it serves through conferences, publications and public outreach.

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