Three Clarkson University professors have been awarded a $300K National Science Foundation grant for research workforce development with a project entitled “CyberTraining: Pilot: Employing Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Advanced CI”. The research team includes Daqing Hou (PI), Professor & Director of Software Engineering; Ming-Cheng Cheng (Co-PI), Professor; and Yu Liu (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, all from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Dr. Mary Margaret Small, Educational Partnership Coordinator of Institute for STEM Education, will serve as program evaluator for the project.

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is a highly effective, data-driven learning algorithm for solving multi-dimensional Ordinary/Partial Differential Equations (ODEs/PDEs). However, POD is rarely covered in the typical graduate curriculum, and thus the nation is not fully leveraging this advanced algorithm in science and engineering research. To fill this void, the team will conduct a two-week online workshop for trainees in engineering and science-related disciplines and integrate the developed instructional material into an existing graduate course on High-performance Computing (HPC). In doing so, this project provides for an educational ecosystem enabling computational and data-driven science for scientists and engineers. By training a diverse group of graduate students, post-docs, and faculty members in various disciplines, this project will help prepare the scientific workforce for advanced CI-enabled research, which will serve to enhance research productivity and enable researchers to effectively address complex societal problems.