We survived the add/drop period!

The availability of the electronic add/drop form has made it easier than ever before for students to get help with the schedule changes that they are unable to do themselves.  In the first two weeks of classes, advisors approved over 350 add/drop forms electronically! 

Now that we are past the 10th class day, the add/drop period has ended. This means: 

  • You should see fewer add/drop forms in your email and worklist! 
  • Students can no longer add and drop classes using myCU self-service.
  • All permission numbers have expired
  • Students will no longer be auto-enrolled from a class waitlist.

If a student’s schedule is still incorrect, they can submit an electronic add/drop form through myCU. Dropped classes will not be recorded on their academic transcript if they are dropped prior to September 27th, and instructions for using the electronic forms can be found on our website here, or by selecting “Help” from the left-hand navigation menu in the myCU Student Dashboard.

The following regulations apply during this period: 

Late Add: Students should submit an electronic add/drop form in myCU in order to obtain the approval of their academic advisor, course instructor, department chair, and Dean’s office.  Cross-registration is also considered a “late add” at this point, and students must turn in a Dean’s Exception with their cross-registration forms.

Dropping a class: Students may drop a class without notation on their transcript for two more weeks. To do so, they should submit an electronic add/drop form in myCU – this will route to the student’s academic advisor for approval, and automatically notify the course instructor.   A “W” will be recorded for all course withdrawals beginning on September 27th. 

Swap Sections of the Same Class: This applies only to students who need to change from one section of a class, to another section of the SAME class. Students need to have the course instructors for both sections sign an add/drop form.   There is no electronic method of requesting a section swap, so the PDF form is needed in this case.

Change Credit Hours: To change the number of credit hours for variable credit courses, students need to have their advisor and course instructor sign an add/drop form.  There is no electronic method of requesting this type of change, so a PDF form is needed in this case also.

Participation in Co-Op: Students participating in a co-op during the semester should immediately report this on Handshake. If you know of a student who is taking a co-op that has not been reported, please encourage them to report this!

If you have any questions or need more information please email registrar@clarkson.edu.

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