Faculty and Staff: Urged to Update Windows Devices

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is urging all Clarkson Faculty and Staff to act before October 18, 2021 to update their Windows Desktops and Laptops to Version 20H2. Step-by-step instructions linked in this post.

TIP: start update before leaving the office at the end of the day to allow update to perform overnight.

Action: Update Windows to Version 20H2

Departments are encouraged to assist in updating all Windows devices, including research lab desktops and more. OIT cautions to plan accordingly as the update may take two or more hours to complete.

After October 18, 2021, Windows will automatically update at undesignated times which could cause interruption to planned work. To avoid interruption, users should update before October 18, 2021.

How To: Update to Windows Version 20H2 (https://confluence.clarkson.edu/display/OITKB/Windows+-+Update+to+Version+20H2)

Faculty and Staff act now to update to Windows Version 20H2. Update before October 18, 2021. Caution: anticipate 1-2 hours downtime during update.


Contact the IT HelpDesk 315-268-HELP (x4357) or helpdesk@clarkson.edu

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