OIT Team News

The Office of Information Technology informs our Clarkson community that OIT Team Lead Amber Gordon will leave Clarkson employment effective October 22, 2021. Amber has served faithfully for more than a decade. We celebrate her commitment to delivering excellent customer service during her tenure. Amber’s future plans include furthering her career elsewhere.

The search for a replacement will begin immediately. To maintain continuity of service in the near term, OIT team members Ming Chen and Michael Matthews will shift to provide direct support for services such as laptop repair, classroom emergencies and desktop support services creating an opportunity for them to diversify their professional experience and grow in their knowledge of University operations.

OIT Team Leads, Mona Miller and Angel Demo, will help support Ming’s and Michael’s development, while focusing their direct support efforts in academic areas such as faculty and research intensive computing needs. HelpDesk and AV functions will be supplemented with a growing student labor force with Kurt Besaw and Jeff Yette offering continued development and close mentoring.

We will say farewell to Amber at a gathering at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 21, at the Cactus Grill & Cantina, 11 Raymond St., Potsdam. Campus members are invited to join us to wish Amber the very best in her future endeavors.

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