COVID-READ:  Positive Case Reported

DATE: 26 October 2021
TO: All Potsdam Employees and Students
Subject:  COVID-READ:  Positive Case Reported

Potsdam Campus Community,

Clarkson was notified that one student has tested positive for COVID-19.  Our Health Center and other administrators are actively working with St. Lawrence County Public Health representatives. To respect the privacy of the individual, they will remain anonymous.  

  • They will remain quarantined/isolated by the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department until officials have cleared them.
  • As part of the NYS protocols in any positive case, a representative of the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department is leading the contact tracing and provides further guidance.  These contacts will remain confidential.
  • Public health may ask the University for information to support their review and your assistance, if asked to help, is appreciated.

Thank you for your diligence and commitment to stop the spread of COVID-19 and for caring about your Clarkson family. We wish this individual good health and owe them our gratitude for following the protocols.

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